The documentary film “The Biggest Little Farm” follows filmmaker John Chester and his wife Molly as they embark on an ambitious adventure: abandoning city life to establish a regenerative farm on 200 acres north of Los Angeles. Directed by John Chester, the film chronicles their tireless efforts to develop a sustainable farm over eight years, bringing new life to the land through a holistic, nature-based approach.
After adopting a stray dog named Todd, John, and Molly struggle with keeping him in their Santa Monica apartment. They pursue their dream of starting an organic farm where Todd can run free. However, they soon realize there is much more to farming than they previously understood. The land they acquired lacks nutrients and suffers from drought, pests, and erosion. But with the help of a farm consultant and nature’s own predator-prey relationships, they can bring the farm back to life using sustainable practices.
Filled with breathtaking cinematography, “The Biggest Little Farm” provides insight into the debate around industrial agriculture and the promises of regenerative farming. It shows how nature, when harnessed through a balance of technology and ecological wisdom, has the ability to transcend the yields of modern farming and enrich our lives through beauty and wonder. At its heart, it is a story of hope, resilience, and renewal.
Anderson Island Film Festival will present the film on April 29, starting at 7pm at the Johnson Farm Archival Building. Admission is FREE (donations accepted) and tickets will be available at the door. Film sponsorships are $25 each. Contact John Ullis at for more sponsorship information.
Movie trailer here.