The 2020 Island Arts Scholarship was awarded to Leasia McNight.  As our first recipient of the scholarship Leasia is going to be attending the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, starting with online courses this Summer.

How to apply for the new scholarship for 2024:

Who Qualifies:  The scholarship is open to any high school senior who is living on Anderson Island at the time of application. The categories are creative writing, visual, and performance arts.

Amount of Scholarship:  $2,000

Application Selection Process:  All applicants to be considered must submit their application by the annual deadline. The application must include answers for all listed questions unless indicated as optional. A 3-member panel selected by the Island Arts Board of Directors will review the applications. In making their decision, they will consider the responses to the application and examples of their work.

(Acceptance of application does not guarantee an award.)

Please use this link to download the application for the Island Arts Scholarship or you  can fill out the scholarship application below.

Applicant will need the following information:

  1. Phone
  2. Address on Anderson Island
  3. Best way to be reached.
  4. Artist statement that includes a brief written explanation of your abilities as an artist and your area of interest.
  5. Optional- A list of special achievements, honors and recognitions, and community involvement in the arts.
  6. An explanation and verification of how the scholarship will be used and how this scholarship will assist in your education.
  7. One example of your work. (If it is music-related the work can be a recording made available to member/s of the selection committee.)

All information can be either submitted as a Word document/PDF attached to an email. All questions must be answered completely and clearly.

An application can be submitted anytime during the year prior to the annual deadline but will not be considered until after the annual deadline.

Annual Deadline for Year 2024:  May 15. 2024

Award/s issued starting: July 1, 2024

Any questions regarding the application or process can be directed to Attention: Selection Committee at:

This scholarship is being funded from the profits of the journal, The Islander. It is also supported by individual donations and with a portion of money designated from various Island Arts events throughout the year.

You can support the scholarship fund by either purchasing an issue of the journal or with a direct contribution to the scholarship fund.

All future recipients’ names and use of the scholarship will be posted on our web site.

(The Island Arts Board reserves the right to review all decisions made by the selection committee prior to distribution of funds).