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Making a Little Bound Journal Workshop

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Johnson Farm
Lois Scholl Room (back of Chicken Coop #2)
9306 Otso Point Rd
Anderson Island, WA

Registration and materials: $25.00 (processing fee not included)

Hi, I’m Kay Perret (pronounced purr-AY, in case you’re curious). I made my living for 18 years as a decorative painter. Six years ago, I fell into the world of bookmaking and haven’t emerged since. I love getting lost in the creative process. That sense that time slows, and I’m connected to something magical.

I am an artist, a reader, a lifelong learner, a traveler, a gardener, and an introvert. I’m a cat person turned dog person. (Also, I’m Leslie Lamb’s sister.)

One of the things I love most is connecting with other artists. I’m excited to share this bookmaking class with you! Here’s what to expect.

We’ll be making a small bound book, about 3”x4” with a half-inch spine. We’ll decorate a master sheet that will become the pages and then bind the pages in a cover and decorate the cover. This is a really fun and easy book structure.

As a recovering perfectionist, I believe there are no mistakes. I’ve learned to just go with it if something turns out differently than I expected. It’s just another opportunity to be creative.

So let’s get lost in the creative process together!

Supply list, please bring with you to the workshop:
Pencil and eraser
Optional: metal or wood yardstick

All other supplies will be supplied

Cost: $25.00 plus Island Arts processing fee