
A Christmas Poem

Covid Christmas

  By Joy Ng

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and here at our house,

Not a creature was coming, not even a mouse.

No big family dinner was planned to enjoy,

No cousins to play with–not a girl, nor a boy.

The family in quarantine, stayed home alone,

We couldn’t go out, there was nowhere to roam.

The theatre was closed, and the park, and the school,

All the parties were cancelled; it just wasn’t cool.

Even churches were limited, not all could go.

25 sat inside, others out in the snow.

The choir couldn’t sing; oh, how sad was the plight.

It was going to be very silent tonight.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of school days-past danced in their heads.

And Papa and I wore our own matching masks,

Sat six feet apart as we did Christmas tasks.

We washed our hands well, sanitizer applied,

Then wrapped up the presents, all covid-complied.

We hadn’t been able to find all we needed,

Maybe Santa would come, and our wishes be heeded.

Then, what to our wondering eyes did appear?

No, not Santa and there were no tiny reindeer.

‘Twas the Amazon truck, and the shipping was free!

He brought lots of gifts to put under the tree.

The driver descended, so lively and quick,

Left each box on the porch, so he wouldn’t get sick.

There were TP and soap, and new masks for us all,

Paper towels and beef, all from stores that are small.

They were just what we wanted; our wishes came true!

We were filled with thanksgiving and Christmas joy, too.

Then we heard him declare, as he drove out of sight,

The vaccine is coming, you all hang on tight!

Merry Christmas from the Ngs