2023 Anderson Island Historical Society Photo Contest

Contest Rules:

Please review these rules and regulations for the photo contest:

● Pictures submitted must be 8×10 inches, color or black and white
     ○ Crop pictures if necessary to fit the 8×10 frames we use and for later storage
     ○ When photos are submitted, participants will frame their photos using provided frame and matts.

● Photos must have been taken after July 1, 2022 and must be taken on the island or on the ferry

● Photos must be delivered to the Archival Building at the Farm on Friday, June 9, Saturday June 10, Saturday June 17, between the hours of 9 and noon

● Maximum of three photos allowed.

Events and People: Island events or photos of people
Critters: Large and small, wild or pets
Landscapes/Seascape: Natural scenes
Sunrise/Sunset: Those magnificent pictures of the sun over the island
Closeups: When you want to be up close and personal with your subject
Buildings/Manmade Scenes; Photos where manmade structures are the subject.

Photographers 12 years and under: Any subject taken on Anderson Island

Gift Store vouchers will be awarded in each category:

1st Prize $25

2nd Prize $10

3rd Prize $5

Best of Show will be awarded $50