Any artist interested in participating in Art in the Park, please read the following instructions and fill out the registration form below:
Art Show Requirements:
• Accepting paintings, drawings, photographs and pottery or other 3-dimensional works
• Artwork must be properly framed and wired to hang from a peg, or ready to display on a table (3-D only)
• Work must be original, not done from a pattern or template
• Size must be no larger than 36×48 for framed pieces
If you do not wish to sell your artwork, enter NFS (not for sale) in the price area for each piece. The sales are direct to the artist. Island Arts will accept donations of 10% of sales of artwork. If you have pieces for sale, you or a representative must be present at the show to conduct sales. The cost for each adult artist entering artwork is a $15 flat fee, to a maximum of 3 pieces. The cost for each youth artist (17 & under) is a $5 flat fee, for a maximum of 3 pieces.
Artwork needs to be brought to Ray Park at 10801 Cole Place on Anderson Island on Sunday September 1 between 8 & 8:30AM. Please be on time, as we will need time to hang the pieces. The show will open at 11AM and artwork MUST be picked up at the end of the show at 3 PM. Late-arriving items may not get displayed. All items, including those sold during the show, must remain on display until 3 pm.
Arts & Crafts Show Requirements:
All items for sale must be designed by the artist. Reselling of commercial art or other items is not allowed. Artists and crafters will be assigned a table. All items for sale must be displayed only on that table. An optional display structure supplied by the artist or craftsperson may be used on top of or behind the table as long as it is no wider than 6 feet. No tent will be provided, so please bring a tent or umbrella if you need one. The cost is $25 per table. Your table display must be set up no later than 10:30AM on September 1st.
Online Registration:
If you would like to register and pay for your entry fee(s) online, see below. The deadline for registration and entry fee(s) must be completed and paid no later than August 23.
Mail in Registration:
If you want to mail in your entry registration with payment, please download the form click here. Entry fees may be paid by check payable to “Island Arts” and sent to: Island Arts, 10202 Eckenstam Johnson, Anderson Island, WA 98303. Please don’t mail cash. The deadline for registration and entry fee(s) must be postmarked no later than August 23.
For questions, please contact: Virginia Cummings, 714-318-6027, or Beula Robb, 253-606-2375, therobbs2001@yahoo.co1